Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 2 Leadership Post: Publish or Present

 Photo from nickoneill at Flickr Creative Commons

Well... Those of you that know me, know that I don't like to write papers and I don't mind speaking in front of people. With that being said, my choice seemed pretty easy. But to make sure that I have thought through my idea here is my out-loud thinking.

Pros to Presenting:
I can be outgoing and really express my thoughts with emotion.
I can use Prezi (which I love!)
I can possibly travel to a warmer climate to speak
I could see my name printed in big lights at a conference (maybe not)
I could meet and speak with many other great speakers in the same area
Something like technology is better understood with a presentation then reading about it. 

Cons to Presenting:
I may have to pay to fly somewhere
I could get nervous right before I go up to speak
There could be a technology glitch at the conference

Pros to Publishing:
I could save a copy of the final product

Cons to Publishing:
I don't like writing papers
I might pull all of my hair out
It won't have the same effect as when I am speaking about my research

Ok, I think my mind is made up...present it is!!!

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